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Kalkulatur tat-Telf tal-Piż

Tista 'tistma kemm kg / lbs tista' titlef issa qabel ma tibda l-programm ta 'telf ta' piż tiegħek. Dan jgħinek tieħu deċiżjoni liema metodu jew prodott ta 'telf ta' piż huwa tajjeb għalik. Daħħal il-piż attwali tiegħek (taf tkejjel il-piż tiegħek?) u agħżel kemm se tkompli l-programm ta 'telf ta' piż tiegħek. Il-kalkulatur tat-telf tal-piż issa jurik kemm kg / lbs tista 'titlef meta tuża metodi differenti.

Kalkulatur tat-Telf tal-Piż

Sfortunatament, il-kalkulatur tat-telf tal-piż huwa disponibbli bl-Ingliż biss.

Your Weight: 
Months to Use: 
Your BodyNew WeightLostAction
Before Weight Loss:
Body Weight
80 kg
176 lbs
Body Weight57.2 kg
126 lbs
22.8 kg
50 lbs
Body Weight58.8 kg
130 lbs
21.2 kg
47 lbs
Body Weight71.3 kg
157 lbs
8.7 kg
19 lbs
After Diet Weight Loss Diets
Body Weight
65.9 kg
145 lbs
14.1 kg
31 lbs
After Exercises Weight Loss Exercises
Body Weight
65.3 kg
144 lbs
14.7 kg
32 lbs
Please note, results shown in this weight loss calculator are based on average usage. Results will vary, these results are only meant as a guidance to your new weight!

Methods to compare: